On Friday, 12/07/2024 First year BBA students of Ahalia School of Commerce and Mathematics, undertook an industrial visit to Milma Palakkad Diary at 9:30 am. In the plant the making process was explained to the students which was done through the following steps. First, the milk which was collected from the societies were transferred to the container which pasteurizes the milk. Then the samples were sent to the quality checking lab and after the confirmation of quality, the milk is transferred to the boiler and then according to the fat absorption it is packed into 4 different coloured packets in different quantity based on their fat content. The fat absorbed milk is readily sent to make curd. The curd is packed in a different unit and the stocks are stored in cold rooms. Then the ghee making process is done with the cream separated from milk. The waste products after making ghee would be given to pigs, hens and many other domesticated animals . Approximately 250 employees are working in different departments and each day they sell nearly 60,000 liters of milk. It was a great experience for the students as they were able to understand the production process and its stages. The students reached back to the college by 12:30 P.M. The students were accompanied by Mrs Sheeba Kumar S, Assistant Professor, ASCM.