On 28th February 2023 Tuesday, Ahalia School of Commerce and Mathematics inaugurated the Additional Value added course “DIGITAL MARKETING” offered to the BBA programme students. The programme commenced at 2.00 pm. The event was compered by Ms. Sreedhanya S and Ms. Nandhana from 1st year BBA. Ms. Nadhana introduced the chief guest to the audience. The chief guest of the occasion was Mr Ravikrishnan Natarajan, President – North India Operations, Push 360 Palakkad. The welcome address was delivered by Dr S. N. Jagadeesh, Principal ASCM. The keynote address was by Dr B. Vijayachandran Pillai, Principal and Director ASM. After the inauguration by the chief guest, he spoke about the relevance of digital marketing in the present scenario and its usefulness to the management students. After the inauguration, Dr Krishna Kumar Kishor, Executive Director, Ahalia Group of Institutions delivered the felicitation. He explained the wide range of opportunities for studying such additional courses. 2nd year BBA student Ms Almas Fathima proposed the vote of thanks. Then the chief guest had a session on “The Relevance of Digital Marketing in Current Scenario”. He talked about the recent changes in the Digital Marketing sector, also explained about the benefits of digital marketing and the prospects of career enhancement in digital marketing. The programme ended by 4.00pm.