On Monday 19/08/2024, Ahalia School of Commerce and Mathematics conducted Fresher’s Day PROSLAVA 2024 for the new first year students (2024-28 batch). The function began with a welcome address by our Principal, Dr. S.N. Jagadeesh. He welcomed the first-year students with warm note and gave them valuable insights about the function was inaugurated by Mr E.P.B. Rajithan Vice President, Academics, Ahalia Group of Institutions. He whole heartedly welcomed all students and delivered a short session about institutions core values and tradition which helped the freshers to have an idea about the Ahalia Group. Later the felicitation was done by Ms. Lakshmi Panicker Second year BBA student. After the inaugural function first year students introduced themselves to the senior students and fellow faculty members. Immediately after self- introduction “Fashion Show was performed by students. After that various cultural event was performed by students from First, Second and third years, which boosted the spirit of the programme. Following cultural events Fun Games were conducted by the seniors for their fellow juniors which helped greatly in discovering the hidden talent of the students. The event was concluded by having a DJ Party in the afternoon session. Later the vote of thanks was done by Ms Sahira Fathima k. Second Year BBA student. Overall fresher’s day was a memorable event for the First year students.