On Friday 20th October 2023, Ahalia School of Commerce and Mathematics conducted a CAREER DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP for the second- and third-year students. The programme was in association with the ASAP (Additional Skill Acquisition Programme) Kerala. The resource person of the session was Mr. Gopakumar. P, Center Head, ASAP, CSP, Chathannur, Palakkad District. The session started by 10.00 am. at the ASCM seminar hall. The welcome speech was by Dr. S.N. Jagadeesh, Principal, ASCM. The resource person explained about the various career options available in life, like future career, declining career etc. Live examples of various techniques to be followed in life for once future advancements were explained to the participants. It was an interactive session with the students. The session ended by 4.00 pm.