As a part of international women’s day on 8th March 2024 Ahalia School of Commerce and Mathematics organized an interactive session on “Advancing Women’s Role in India’s Economic Progress” on Thursday,14th March 2024. The welcome speech was done by Dr S N Jagadeesh, Principal ASCM. He mentioned different Women Entrepreneurs. He also spoke about the significance of Women Empowerment to the nation and the universe at large. The resource person of the session was Mrs. Sheeba Kumar S, Assistant Professor and President of Women Development Cell, ASCM. She first introduced what is economic development and how the contribution of women leads to the economic progress of the country. She discussed the participation of women in total workforce, entrepreneurship as well as in start-ups. Women Entrepreneurship which is necessary to initiate the process of economic development of both developed and developing countries as it is the back bone of economy of any country. Women entrepreneur has been recognized during the last few years as an important untapped source of economic growth. Though women are engaged in various sectors actively, still they face so many challenges. She explained the various stakeholders of the society like Government, private sector, Civil society organisations, Philanthropists and their role in empowering the women and to provide them with financial support. To conclude, it is the collective responsibility of the society to eliminate gender disparity in order to create a better economy in future. The session ended with a vote of thanks by Ms. Drisya First Year BBA at 3:00 P.M.