Young Innovative Programme (YIP) is the flagship project of K-DISC designed to transform the vision of a knowledge society in a way that is suited to our state through the promotion of the innovations that bring about equitable and sustainable development of Kerala and provide socially and economically beneficial to the society at large


    • Enhanced identified youth with designed thinking, collaborative, creative problem solving and leadership skills
    • Empowering and building youth through immersive programme to Learn, Empathise, Accelerate and Disrupt (LEAD)
    • Mentoring them and intensifying networking to build product or develop a process of showcasing in the Young Innovators Challenge
    • Certifying promising innovations and attaching the young innovators to research institutions in related areas with scholarship for one year
    • Tracking these young innovators and sending them to institutions, industries, and prospective funding agencies.
    • Build a strong pool of mentors to identify, assess and track innovations as well as provide young innovators the necessary academic, domain specific as well as psycho-social support necessary through the process.


YIP Activities in ASCM

    • Students of Ahalia School of Commerce and Mathematics participated in the YIP idea submission at district level.
    • Five students of 1st Year BBA and one student of 2nd Year BBA participated in the idea submission. Ideas where summited in the area of eco-friendly environmental sustainability areas.